Is Jimmy Kimmel retiring??

Jimmy Kimmel is only 49-years-old but retirement could be in the not-so-distant future for the talk show host.

Kimmel’s contract with ABC expires in 2019. He told Daily Variety, "I’d like to have a little more free time. I’ll do the show for another three years. But it’s possible that will be it."

He’s a self-described "control freak" and the grind of a 70-hour workweek weighs on Jimmy’s shoulders. Complicating matters is his growing family with head writer Molly McNearney. Plus, Kimmel lags in ratings behind Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert.

Kimmel has been ABC’s late night talker for 14 years, but always been in third place. It may not be Kimmel’s choice when the contract is up. ABC may wish to explore other options rather than negotiate.

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