Top Ten Things That Will Destroy Your Chances in a Job Interview

A new survey of over 1,000 hiring managers found there are things that can instantly destroy your chances in a job interview, even if you have a great résumé.  Here are the top ten . . .

1.  Being caught in a lie.  71% of employers said they'd never hire you. 

2.  Answering a phone call or text during the interview, 67%.

3.  Being arrogant or acting like you're entitled, 59%.

4.  Showing a lack of accountability, 52%.  Like if you got FIRED from your last job and blamed the whole thing on your boss.

5.  Swearing, 51%.

6.  Dressing inappropriately, 50%.

7.  Badmouthing an ex-boss or a former company you worked for, 48%.

8.  Knowing nothing about the job or company where you're applying, 45%.

9.  Having unprofessional body language, 43%.  The study found the three worst mistakes are not making eye contact . . . not smiling . . . and fidgeting with something on the table.

10.  Knowing nothing about the industry in general.  ONLY 35% said they'd pass on hiring you. 


(PR Newswire)


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