The "Hot Water Challenge" Is The New Horrible Internet Sensation

We've had our share of horrible Internet challenges including the Tide Pod challenge, the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, the hot pepper challenge, etc. But the new challenge might be the worst of them.. 

The "hot water challenge" consists of pouring boiling water on an unsuspecting friend or drinking boiling water through a straw, and uploading the prank on the internet.

According to KIRO 7: 

Kyland Clark, 15, said skin “fell off” his chest and face after he and his friend looked up the “hot water challenge” on YouTube, according to FOX 59.

“And then I looked down at my chest. My skin just fell off my chest, and then I looked in the mirror and I had skin falling off here and on my face,” Kyland said on July 26.

Kyland is expected to heal from his injuries, according to Fox 59, but Doctors in Indiana say they have seen an increase of emergency room visits from victims of the so-called challenge.

Click here to read more, and please warn kids and teens NOT to be doing this! 

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