6 Reasons Mosquitos Love You

Here are six possible reasons mosquitos like you more than other people . . .

 1.  You produce more carbon dioxide.  Pregnant women produce more of it when they breathe, so do people who are overweight.  A study in 2009 found it attracts more mosquitos for some reason.

2.  You run hot.  A study two years ago found they're attracted to people with higher body temperatures.  Which could be caused by a fever, or just being out in the sun.

3.  You have type-O blood.  A study in 2004 found it attracts more mosquitos than other blood types.  Some of us also secrete a chemical that TELLS mosquitos what our blood type is.  And if you do, they like you more.

4.  You have a certain microbial make-up that mosquitos love.  Meaning the bacteria on your skin.  Everyone's is different, and mosquitos like some more than others.

5.  You're a big drinker.  A study in 2002 found mosquitos were much more attracted to people after they drank beer.  Even just one beer was enough to do it.

6.  You're just not being careful.  If you're out camping and you're the only one without bug repellant on, then obviously you're a prime target.  So be careful, especially when you're around lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. 


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