Homeless Man Finds $17,000 and Turns It in to Food Bank

(Source: The News Tribune

A surprise was waiting for Kevin Booth when he made an early-morning stop at the Sumner Food Bank three months ago.

Booth, who’s homeless, found a brown bag on the ground outside the food bank’s community bread box.

“At first, I was like, what the heck is that lying on the ground?” Booth, 32, said in a recent interview.

He put the bag on a trash can and reached inside.

He pulled out a $20 bill.

“Of course, I sniffed it to see if it was real,” he said. “Then I was like, do I take off or do I stay?”

He stayed.

When a food bank volunteer arrived a short time later he gave the bag to her, not realizing what was inside, said the food bank’s director, Anita Miller.

“She went in to weigh it, thinking it was food,” Miller said.

It wasn’t food. It was $17,000 in cash.

Stunned, they called police. Officers determined the money was real and used security cameras to try to figure out what had happened. They couldn’t determine who dropped off the bag, but they did see who found it.

Read the full story here! 

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