Kia's Weekend Shenanigans in 5 Photos 1.18- 1.20

We knew this weekend was going to be ::COLD:: We knew negative degrees would be our highs but we showed up anyway with poles and dreams of BIG FISH in mind.

Saturday morning at the cabin was a whole new level of frozen. My lashes couldn't take it. My hair turned me into Princess Elsa. -26 is what separates the Minnesota Born from the Minnesota Wannabes!

Saturday Night was a BIG WIN in our books. Austin's line went down hard! He jigged and BOOM we got 'em! Not only did the line snap right when he got snagged in the hole but my man in the most sexy way possible reached in and grabbed this guy barehanded! Grrr baby... loved every.moment.

There I was not paying attention reenacting a Game of Thrones scene when my line dropped fast! We went from laughing to yelling. I forgot I had a pole and just started pulling the line. Thank goodness the Fish God's were on my side- She wasn't a keeper but I still had fun catching her.

When I graduated High School my dad got me my very first snowmobile. I had {{Red Ruby}} for 4 years until I decided to sell her to help with bills #adulting. It had been over 7 years since I was on the back of a sled. Austin's family bought this beauty a couple weeks ago and we both couldn't resist the need for speed.

Austin's cousin ::MAX:: loved ice fishing with us but when she went MIA after a few hours we went looking for her.

--Sleeping beauty-- Some people just can't hang. HA! She knows what cabin life is all about. #smartgirl

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