HOA Fines Resident After Car Leaves "Explicit" Shape Outline in Snowy Lot

This is CRAZY! An HOA for a development in Tennessee has charged a woman $100 after her car left a "penis-shaped outline" in a snowy lot.

The woman has shared her story on Reddit and it has gone viral!

A few weeks ago we got a pitiful little snow that was barely really a frost. Just enough to cause a little trouble of the roads (cause any sort of weather causes troubles on the roads here), but nothing severe. So my husband and I go out, get in our cars, and leave for the work day.
Awhile later (I don't remember if it was five days or a week), we get an email from the HOA saying we are being fined for something. They aren't very specific at first, but they are saying it's about the snow and our cars. We are very confused. There is not enough snow to shovel, as you will soon see.
Finally after a few back and forth emails, they simply send us a picture "describing the problem."
Picture with license plates blurred: https://imgur.com/a/mjBvpWi
The imprint our car left in this pitiful ass snow was the shape of a dick, and somehow that's our fault.
I died laughing y'all. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of being fined for, and we flat out told them we weren't paying. Eventually, they realized we were serious about not paying, and since there were no by-laws on the books about something like this, they dropped it.
Also like crazy ex-HOA pres has still been plying her trade of making my like miserable but that's a complex post for another time.

To us, this is completely crazy! Do you have any crazy HOA stories?!

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