Burger King Might Be Offering To Pay Off Student Loans

You know I've thought about it lately and I wouldn't hate a trend where more rich people and corporations follow the lead of the billionaire Robert F. Smith, who paid off the student loan debt for Morehouse College's entire graduating class this year. I actually thought about trying to get sneak my name on the list, I would love to have my student loan paid for!

Yesterday morning according to Uproxx, Burger King posted a very short tweet saying, quote, "Got student loans? What's [your] cashtag?"

If you're not aware, a cashtag is your username on Cash App, which is one of those money apps where people can make payments to each other. It's like Venmo, PayPal.Me, and the rest.

Earlier today Burger King posted on their twitter saying, "For real tho, we’re trying to pay off those loans. introducing Whopper Loans – make a purchase through the BK app for a chance to have your student loans paid off. " I don't know about you but I would love to have my student loan paid for! Check out the tweet below and how they MIGHT be able to pay off your student loan.

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