Have Pizza For Breakfast, It's Healthier Than Cereal

Okay, I've seen this article going around, and as the resident pizza connoisseur I feel the need to address it. You already know how much I love pizza, I think it should have its own section on the food pyramid but hey, that's just me. You should also know that if you were at my house for breakfast, you would think an 8-year-old kid lived there, because I am a huge cereal fan as well. And not the adult-kind with whole grains and nuts and fruit. The sugary fruity pebble kind are more my style.

A couple days ago, a nutritionist announced that pizza is a healthier breakfast than cereal! Say what, you mean to tell me that my favorite food of all time I can eat for breakfast, and it's healthy?! If that's the case, then the beach better watch out, because my dad bod is going to be a beach bod really quick! According to Delish, they spoke with nutritionist, Chelsey Amer, and she said, "You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories. A slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash. However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning." 

She also states in the article, "A cereal made with whole grains, nuts or seeds, and fruit with organic grass-fed milk or plant-based milk is a better choice over a grease-laden pizza made with processed meat like pepperoni on a white flour crust." 

As unhappy as I am that she pointed out I should change up my cereal to eat like a real adult, I’m thrilled to know that pizza is healthier than SOME cereals. For now, I think I may stick to my cereal in the morning but may start to switch it up with pizza, breakfast pizza that is. 

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