Sorry Beer And Wine, Spiked Seltzers Are The Drink Of The Summer

It seems like this Summer has been taken over by brands like White Claw, Bon & Viv, and Truly. If you don't believe me, Lord Fletcher's has a White Claw slushie that they serve 7 days a week. I use to be a huge beer drinker but there are times when you're crushing a beer, you feel full, and can't drink anymore. That's when I turned to a spiked seltzer to get my drink on. It turns out that the spiked seltzer drinks are becoming the official drink of Summer!

According to the New York Post, spiked seltzer sales are up 169% from last year, and it keeps going up with a 30% increase this month. Caitlyn Battaglia, manager of Nielsen’s beverage alcohol practice said she expects the spiked seltzer to be a $1 billion dollar industry!

As I mentioned above there's a reason why spiked seltzer's are getting popular. They're lighter than beer and the cans make them more convenient than wine, they're pretty low in calories for those on a diet, they've got a pretty good flavor (again black cherry is the best), and the cans look good in Instagram photos. Heck, there's even a new saying when you're drinking them, "Ain't no laws when you're drinking Claws!" While that may not be 100% true, please drink responsibly!

You can read more HERE.

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