A Company Wants To Pay You To Tailgate With Your Friend

As a huge college football fan, I am excited that college football starts this Saturday! Tailgating is one of my favorite parts of football. There's nothing like getting to the stadium a couple of hours early, grilling some great food, playing bags, and getting your drink on!

How awesome would it be if you could get paid to tailgate with your friends?! According to Delish, a ticket company called 'CheapTickets,' is looking for the first-ever "Tailgate Tourist" to travel to five NCAA games and experience the traditions that the NCAA has to offer. If you were thinking it was going to be just you tailgating, NOPE, you get to bring a friend! The contest is currently running until August 30, and all you have to do is answer two questions. The winner of the contest will get to travel with their friend to 5 NCAA cities (Athens, GA; Seattle, WA; Columbus, OH; Raleigh, NC; and Austin, TX) plus you'll get a $1,500 ticket allowance to buy tickets to attend games in those cities. Oh, and you must be 21 or older to enter.

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