Navy Says Wild UFO Video Is REAL And Never Should've Been Leaked

The hype on UFO's is high in 2019 and that's because of that whole Storm Area 51. If you haven't been following that, two people were arrested for trying... sometimes you can't fix stupid! Anyways, back in December of 2017, three videos were posted online that showed footage taken by Navy pilots that supposedly showed "UFOs." I put those in quotes because a lot of people are skeptical don't believe that aliens really exist.

Now, in 2019, the Navy finally addressed those videos, and apparently they're REAL! You gotta be sh*#@in' me! According to Popular Mechanics, the Navy did say that the videos should never have been released to the public. I don't know who was suppose to keep those quiet, but thank you for leaking them. hey say the videos should never have been released to the public.

Don't get too excited though, I asked my buddy who is in the Navy and he said that they use the term "unexplained aerial phenomena" to describe anything they can't identify.

I on one hand don't believe in Aliens but this is making the wheels turn. Don't you think if those weren't UFOs the Navy would have said so? Hmmm... you can check out the video below of the "unexplained aerial phenomena."

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