According To A New Survey, The Best Way To Order A Steak Is Well Done

Okay, let's get one thing straight. Everyone knows the best way to order a steak is medium rare! If you're ordering your steak well done, I can only assume that you dip it in ketchup!

There's a survey on, and the results state that the most popular way to order steaks in this country is well done. Apparently, 24% of people say it's their favorite way to order. However, medium rare had 23%, so it's right up there. The rest of the results say 16% wantmedium-well, 13% want medium, 11% want rare, and 2% order blue rare, which is even rarer than rare, basically still mooing. Also, the survey states that women are almost 50% more likely to order a steak well done than men.

If you need some help figuring out what kind of steak to order, below is a helpful chart that I use all the time.

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