Kia’s Weekend Shenanigans in 5 Photos 1.17- 1.19

The weather reports said it over and over again. 78 inches was going to unleash around 1PM in this arctic tundra so Austin + I hit the road early!

::Crossing and fingers and toes we would beat the storm:: I was born in the land of snow and ice but driving in it has never been my thing. Now, snowmobiling on the fresh powder is a dream.

+Red Dirt Roads Don’t Exists ‘Round Here+

We had to make an emergency stop to play BANANAs. I felt the luck in my bones. When you feel the LUCK you don’t ignore it.

So maybe…. Luck wasn’t on my side this time around #lostitall #ihatebananas

Austin + I took full advantage of the night. 9PM Pole Drop. Easy. Our new “Babe The Ox” as we lovingly call her popped up in t-minus 10 minutes. Country music was blasting by 9:11PM. Full concert on ice mode. No admission needed.

Saturday was filled with curse words and special drinks to numb the pain. A few fisherman's prayers were said but the snow must have damaged the communication lines to the man upstairs.

No bites. No nibbles. BUT no fishes means tons of selfies. #urwelcome

Shout out to ::The Frozen Six:: who made me laugh so hard my face still hurts + who taught me you can sleep when you are dead... thanks for the hang. Until next year! #trolls #queen

And to the fish that decided they weren’t hungry this weekend-we left an iphone 10 at the bottom of the lake for you to enjoy. #RIP #callnemo

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