A Guy Set 750 Thousand Dollars On Fire So His Ex-Wife Doesn't Get It

I love when people do dramatic things and then it comes back to bite them!

There's a 55-year-old guy named Bruce McConville in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He's been in a very long court battle to see how much spousal and child support he has to pay to his ex-wife, according to the Ottawa Citizen. When he was in court he told the judge he sold some properties and businesses for around $1 million canadian money, which comes out to about $750,000 U.S. dollars. Bruce decided to withdraw the money and proceeded to set the money ON FIRE to keep it away from his ex-wife... and his kids!

You might be thinking to yourself that he's an idiot for doing that and the judge would agree with you! The judge asked, "How does destroying over a million dollars advance your child's best interest?" But, ole Bruce says he did it out of frustration with the divorce.

Oh... Bruce said he didn't take a video of the cash on fire, he didn't have any witnesses, and he doesn't really have any proof. The judge told him that it was hard to believe his story and get this... sentenced him to 30 days in jail to "rethink" what happened to the money. On top of that, he also fined him $2,000-a-day to go to his ex-wife!

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