Brett Young Doesn't Like Cardboard Fans In The Stands And Neither Do I

You've seen it during a baseball game or football game where they have cardboard fans in the stands and I'm glad I'm not alone on my thoughts about this!

So Brett Young is a huge Dodgers fan and believe it or not he was a pitcher in college and actually got a pro offer from the Minnesota Twins. Could you imagine having Brett Young win a postseason game or save a postseason game for the Twins? Well, in a recent BMLG prep site he said, "I hate to say this publicly, but I hate that. I think it's so weird. I understand why. I know it's a source of revenue for the team, but it creeps me out. None of it feels right to me. [I'd] rather see an empty stadium than cardboard cutouts."

Believe me I get it, it's great for the team and goes towards their charity and you get to have a cardboard cutout of yourself in the stands because we all can't go to sporting events. But I agree it is a little creepy to me that your team is doing bad or just choked and there the camera goes to a shot of cardboard cutout Phil will a happy smile on his face. We need some fans in the stands to give that raw emotion we love to hear and see with sports.

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