Apparently Eating Meat Is Really Bad For You

Steak is the best meat on the planet! Love when it comes medium-rare off the grill!

If you're an avid meat eater like I am, well... a new study from the University of Oxford in England, eating meat raises the risk of a bunch of different diseases, according to Yahoo. Researchers found that the more meat you eat both processed and unprocessed the greater your risk of heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes and digestive problems, among many others.

In the study, participants reported their levels of meat consumption – which was checked with follow-up surveys – and researchers tracked those taking part for an average of eight years to assess whether they went on to develop any of the conditions. Also, people who ate more poultry, including chicken and turkey, were found to be more likely to have reflux – or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease – and digestive conditions, diseases of the gall bladder and diabetes. But they were also found to have a lower risk of anaemia.

You can read more about the study HERE.

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