Man Goes On Beer Only Diet To Raise Money For Struggling Industry Workers

It's the number thing that is sung about in country songs and Luke Combs said it best, "long neck ice cold beer never broke my heart." Well one man is taking that to the extreme by going on a diet that consist of drinking only beer.

A Cincinnati brewery owner Del Hall says that he is giving up every food and beverage during lent and only sticking to beer according to BroBible. He is already almost a month into the diet that will end on April 4. Del Hall says that he will consume a diet consisting of only malt, barley and hops in liquid form! Hall did say in his Go Fund Me Page that he hopes to lose 40lbs and he's already lost a little over 23 lbs. You can donate to his Go Fund Me which states:

"Del Hall, Ohio’s own Beer Celebrity, who first became Internationally known in 2019 for Living on BEER ONLY for Lent, is raising money in 2021 for Service Workers in Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky.

The Army Veteran, Brewery Owner, Beer Diet Innovator, and Beer Influencer has leveraged his Social Media presence and vast network of industry relationships and created “SgtDel’s Virtual Tip Jar” where 100% of all donations will go directly to the Staff of Bar & Restaurants that participate.

Starting on February 17th (Ash Wednesday) and lasting 46 Days until April 4th (Easter), Del will not eat anything and ALL calories will only come from BEER. In 2020 SgtDel lost 50 lbs and raised over $10,000 for a local charity in the midst of a Global Pandemic. He’s hoping to lose 40 lbs and raise at least $50,000 this year."

Oh and if this story sounds familiar, that's because Del has done this before!

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