Woman Climbs Into Monkey Cage At Zoo And Feeds Them Flamin' Hot Cheetos

A woman in Texas went to a zoo in El Paso over the weekend and climbed into a monkey enclosure, and started feeding them Flamin' Hot Cheetos, according to People. They weren't Gorillas, they were spider monkeys, which aren't huge. But they can still do a lot of damage if they want to. And obviously Cheetos aren't part of their normal diet.

Thankfully, the woman wasn't hurt, and the monkeys will probably be okay. A zookeeper said the Flamin' Hot Cheetos could cause stomach issues and bowel disruptions though.... just like these chips do in humans. The director of the zoo called it stupid and said they definitely plan to press charges. They also have to install a higher fence now to make sure no one else tries it. 

Last time I checked, the police haven't released the woman's name yet, but her boss did, because she's already been fired over it. They recognized her from a video someone posted online. Her name is Lucy Rae, and she was working at a law firm as a litigation assistant. 

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