Woman Drinks 50 Year Old Can Of Coors To Celebrate Her 50 Year Anniversary

Usually people save some of the wedding cake and eat it a year later on their wedding anniversary and some married couples keep things for a long time.

Back in 1971, Diane Nesselhuf of South Dakota and her husband Ed, got married. At the wedding, they had an eight-ounce can of Coors beer that they kept, according to Food & Wine. Throughout their marriage, Diane and Ed moved around the country, and with every move they brought that can of beer from their wedding with the promise that they would finally open it up to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

Unfortunately, Ed died in 2016, but Diane still held onto that beer. Sure enough, to honor Ed and celebrate what would have been their 50th anniversary, Diane cracked open the Coors and tipped it back. Diane said the stuff was still carbonated and hadn’t lost all the flavor. If anything, it tasted a bit sweeter than a fresh can. Coors heard the story and sent her a cake with the message, “Cheers to 50 years.”

If that isn't a great love story, I don't know what is!

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