WATCH: Vincent Price Once Did His Spooky Thriller Part On TV!

Almost 39 years ago, the world first heard the song Thriller from the album with the same name. It was released on November 30, 1982. Thriller was released as a single on January 23, 1984.

Towards the end of the song, actor Vincent Price does a rap that ends in a ghastly laugh. Vincent Price was famous for a long career of horror films.

During a Friday the 13th taping of The Joan Rivers Show in 1987, Rivers asked him to do that part of the song. He mails it in a bit but the laugh is worth hanging around for.

Vincent Price passed October 25, 1993 at the age of 82. Joan Rivers passed September 4, 2014 at the age of 81.

Photo credit: Vince Bucci Getty Images Entertainment

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