Mom Upset After Her Child Received "Alcoholic" Candy & People Roasted Her

A mom in Ireland was very upset and took to Reddit to share a picture of some candy her child received while trick-or-treating. The picture was of Bailey's Irish Cream candies and she posted the picture on Reddit saying, "Someone was giving these out to kids for Halloween."

However, not everyone shared her anger.

One user said: "I've had those. They don't taste alcoholic at all. Their total alcohol content is less than 1%. Your children will probably get more alcohol from a slightly overripe banana."
Others pointed out that the sweets were the non-alcoholic version of the sweets.
They said: "Also for the record since no one knows how to use Google these are Baileys Chocolate Truffles, Original Irish Cream. They are non alcoholic.
"Now even a bit. Baileys does make some with alcohol in them using their original formula but those warppers are black and gold not white and gold like these are shown here. Which is how they typically distinguish their non alcoholic from their alcoholic."

Source: Irish Mirror

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