A Woman From California Married The Color Pink In Vegas

You know the saying, "if you love it so much why don't you just marry it," well a woman took it to another level!

There's a woman in California named Kitten Sera, and she loves the color pink so much that she married it, according to Waff.com. The color pink is officially taken! The ceremony went down at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas on Saturday. She says she's been wearing pink exclusively for 40 years and the idea of marrying the color actually DID come from a smart-aleck kid two years ago.

He came up to her on a skateboard and said, "Wow you love pink, right? You love it so much, why don't you marry it?" She said that made her think "This kid's on to something!" Kitten carried around a giant pink color-swatch at the ceremony. And she's the first person to marry a color, not that anyone would be shocked to hear that. Oh and there's a news report that has footage of the ceremony, check it out below!

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