35 Years Ago This Week: U2's LA Video Shoot Shut Down By Police

On March 27, 1987 rock band U2 used a bit of civil disobedience to film a rooftop concert in what ended up being the video for Where The Streets Have No Name.

The filming was part of an 8 song set the band performed on top of Republic Liquor Store in downtown Los Angeles. A few preparations were made in advance of the event including bolstering the structure of the roof in case a bunch of fans were able to access the rooftop. Also a backup generator was placed on the roof in case police shut down the main generator - which they did.

As it turns out, U2 and the director of the video were hoping to get shut down for dramatic effect for the video. In reality they were granted several extensions to continue the shoot until police felt like it was getting out of hand. That's why some of the dialogue is confusing.

Still, this is one of the greatest musical events of all time that could have been even bigger!

Photo credit: Markus Hanke

The Image Bank

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