Man Finds A Seven-Foot Snake Hiding In His Couch Cushions

Usually when you go searching between the couch cushions it's to find loose change or even vacuum up the lint and food that has fallen between the cushions. But imagine instead of finding loose change or lost food you found a seven foot snake!

A Chula Vista homeowner called a snake removal company called Alex Trejo at So-Cal Rattlesnake Removal who gets calls like that all the time, but even he was surprised by what he found, according to ABC 10 News San Diego. What was in the couch? It was a Vietnamese blue beauty rat snake which is rare and believed to be someone's pet! Trejo was excited about it, because he's used to dealing with boring, old rattlesnakes. The snake that was found in the couch had a mild respiratory infection from being out in the cold. Last we heard, the owner hadn't come forward yet. 

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