Woman Shares Genius Way She Gets Back At Guys Who Send Rude Messages To Her

A 18-year-old college student shared to Reddit how she got revenge on 3 fellow male students who have been bullying and harassing her. Check out her story below.

I'm an 18 year old girl who is in college atm. I've been getting bullied/harassed by three guys in my class who have taken to messaging me online with rather gross/harassing messages and nsfw pictures that I'm sure you can all fill in the gaps without me going into detail. I should have reported them or just blocked them but I had, had enough so I screenshot every message they'd sent me and found their mothers through their Facebook pages and sent screenshots to them including an explanation of who I am and how their sons have been bothering me.
Their mothers were horrified and shocked by what I sent them explaining what was going on and all three are on my side. Some of my friends think this is genius and exactly what they deserved but some of my other friends think I took it too far and it was out of line to put that on their Mothers and also how I don't know what their home life is like.
Am I the asshole for doing this? Should I have gone about it another way?
Edit due to questions/comments: When it was just standard bullying I reported them but they only got a warning, the messages/pictures started after that as if to prove I couldn't do anything. I figured reporting them again wouldn't work so did this.
Edit 2: also whoever reported me as worried about my current mental health...thanks? I mean I'm honestly good but thanks.

What do YOU think? Do you think this was the right move or did she go too far?

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