Daycare Workers Fired After Trying To Scare Kids Into Listening (Video)

Several daycare workers at a daycare in Mississippi were fired after video of them wearing terrifying Halloween masks and trying to scare kids into listening went viral. After the videos went viral, parents (and non-parents) were understandably very upset. Check out the video below.

Many people are saying the owner and director of the daycare should also be held responsible, however, parents of kids in the daycare are telling people to back-off.

According to ABC News:

I know 100% that Ms. Sheila, the owner and director, was not aware of this situation that was going on and as soon as she found out, all parties were terminated immediately,” said Kimberly Smith, whose child can be seen in one of the videos. “The witch hunt that has been going on for her and the other ones still here, it really needs to stop. Was the situation that did happen horrible? Absolutely. But should this daycare be shut down and others be villainized that are still here, absolutely not.

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