How Often Should Clean Your Bath Tub? Expert's Advice

How often should you clean your bathtub? It’s probably the chore that people hate doing the most. It’s scuzzy, it requires you to get on your hands and knees, and it usually results in your clothes being soaked. According to, the answer is once a week. That will prevent soap scum from building up, and it will keep bacteria and mold at bay. Here’s the right way to do it: 1) Take your shoes off but leave your socks on (unless you can reach everything without stepping into the tub). 2) Empty all the shampoo bottles, soap, etc. from the shower. 3) Spray down all surfaces with a cleaning solution. 4) Wipe everything down with a damp sponge. 5) Rinse off any excess cleaner. And if you do it weekly, it shouldn’t take that long because you won’t have to scrub and scrub.

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