States Banning Kids From Social Media - MN May Follow

Utah just became the first state to BAN kids from using social media without their parents' approval. It's set to go into effect on March 1st of next year.

The governor signed two bills on Thursday designed to shield kids from social media and protect their mental health. The second bill basically says companies like TikTok can't intentionally make their apps addictive. If they do, parents and kids can sue them now.

Opponents of the laws plan to challenge them in court for violating free speech. But assuming they do go into effect, here's what it'll look like . . .

1. Everyone in Utah will have to verify their age to use social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

2. Even with a parent's permission, kids won't be able to access social media between 10:30 P.M. and 6:30 A.M. So any under-18 accounts will be blocked from scrolling for those eight hours.

3. Social media apps won't be allowed to show kids advertisements while they scroll. And they won't be able to collect user data either.

4. All social media sites will have to give parents a way to access their kids' accounts. Utah is the first state to pass a law like this, but might not be the last. At least four other states are looking at similar laws right now . . . Ohio, Minnesota, Connecticut, and Arkansas.

(CNN / Fox News / NBC News / Vox / The Verge)

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