6 Changes You'll See At Hotels In 2021

We usually take a couple of trips every year that involve staying at hotels. For the first time ever, we rented a house for several days.

But we also stayed in a few hotels and felt very safe. We did some of our own cleaning for peace of mind.

Here are some things you will likely see at hotels in the coming year:

1. Rooms that can double as your office. People will save vacation days for other things so they'll work from their hotel room. There's a bigger expectation of fast Wi-Fi.

2. Longer stays with better rates for people who want to make the most of their time.

3. Touchless technology. More hotels will let you bypass the desk for check-in and your key will be on a phone app.

4. Better cancellation policies such as up to 24 hours before check-in.

5. People will want more privacy. Airbnb bookings are expected to be up because of it.

6. More outdoor spaces to hang out in. Lots of hotels have been adding them over the winter.

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Photo credit: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

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