The Easter Bunny Will Be Generous This Year

The Easter Bunny will be generous this year… 

According to stats from WalletHub, spending for Easter this year is expected to be $22 billion – about $177 per person celebrating!!

$3.1 billion will be spent on candy, $3.4 billion will be spent on gifts, $3.5 billion will be spent on clothing to look your Easter best, and $7.3 billion will go to food for the big Easter spread.

On another Easter note...

Is Easter getting like Christmas? Easter baskets used to be filled with jelly beans, a big chocolate bunny, and maybe a small toy or a stuffed animal. These days, Easter has turned into a mini Christmas, and the Easter Bunny has become a gift-giver rivaling Santa.

Kids are making lists for toys and gifts, and many get a bunch of wrapped presents along with their basket filled with candy. Don't forget the Easter egg hunt – which usually has plastic eggs with toys, treats, or even cash stashed in them!

Do you love it or is it getting to be too much?

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