Chris Carr & Company

Chris Carr & Company

Get to know Chris and Sam - Mornings from 5am-10am on 102.1-K102! Full Bio


Kia's Weekend Shenanigans in 5 Photos 1.25 - 1.27

Austin and I spent Friday night munchin' on some sushi and relaxing by the fire.

FUN FACT: Our first date ::a blind date:: was at a Sushi Restaurant so when we need some "us" moments we order it in. It's just our thing.

Saturday morning we were up before the sun. Someone was EXTREMELY excited to head into Wisconsin to pick up the one::the only:: THE BIG 11 POINT BUCK. Austin got this beast with a bow. First weekend of the season. First shot of the season.

Shout out to Brad S. in Amery for the mount. "He is awesome!"- quote from Austin.

hahaha and no he will not be hanging in our home anytime soon. His parents on the other hand, got a nice new addition to their house for a lil bit of time.

Saturday night was ::NIGHT TWO:: of the World's Toughest Rodeo! This year marked the 10th year for me. I love it all- the bulls, the horses, the strong cowboys, the brave cowgirls and of course the rodeo clowns. I always wanted to be in a rodeo but it never worked out- watching the action is the next best thing.

The star of the show had to be -WHIPLASH- as always. Does it get any cuter than a monkey in a cowboy hat?! I will babysit anytime you need :)

The DREAM TEAM that is The K102 Promotions Team!! These are the faces that make every.single.event. happen. They wanted to take the picture with me.. No, I wanted to take the picture with them. Forever honored to work beside them all.

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