Chris Carr & Company

Chris Carr & Company

Get to know Chris, Kia, and Sam - Mornings from 5am-10am on 102.1-K102! Full Bio


People Are Comparing 2020 To Terrible Things & They Are GENIUS!

We can all agree that 2020 has just been THE WORST. So people are comparing 2020 to terrible things online and they are GOLD!

Here are some that I came up with:

  • If 2020 was a football player, it would be Antonio Brown 
  • If 2020 was a Harry Potter character, it would be Dolores Umbridge 
  • If 2020 were a disastrous celebrity, it would be 2014 Justin Bieber 
  • If 2020 were a drink, it would be unsweetened ice tea 
  • If 2020 was a kicker, it would be Blair Walsh 
  • If 2020 was an SNL character, it would be Debbie Downer 
  • If 2020 was a vegetable, it would be cauliflower 
  • If 2020 was a movie, it would be “Groundhog Day” 

What would 2020 would be for you?

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