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Chris Carr & Company

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WATCH: Brett Favre Urges Young Athletes To Delay Tackle Football In New PSA

Brett Favre, one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play professional football, is in a new PSA to urge parents to wait to sign their kids up for tackle football until they’re 14. 

The PSA starts out with a little boy talking to his parents about the risks of playing tackle football, then merges into teenager, then merges into Brett. You can watch it below.

The PSA comes from the Concussion Legacy Foundation, which focuses on concussion & CTE research. 

According to WCCO, the Co-founder of the Concussion Legacy Foundation said that players will have eight head impacts a year in flag football versus 378 in tackle — and the risk of developing CTE goes up 30% per year.

Click here to read more.

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