Chris Carr & Company

Chris Carr & Company

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McKaila Has Been Getting The Weirdest Text Messages - Is This A Scam?

It all started last Wednesday. I received a nearly 2-minute voicemail at 5am last Wednesday. It was from a woman who asked if I was the woman at her husband's apartment and that they were trying to get back together, except he's been going on drug benders. She also said, "I don't know the dynamic of your relationship, but I hope you can help him get the help he needs," but she ended it by saying that she hopes we wear condoms because they're married and they don't. I was so thrown off with this voicemail that I didn't respond to it. To be honest, part of me thought it was a scam, so I didn't want to engage. The next day, I received the below text message and this time, I did respond saying they had the wrong number.

After talking about it on-air, my sister and my mom BOTH informed me that they also received the SAME TEXT from the SAME NUMBER. So, my sister tried calling the number and when they didn't respond, she sent a text calling the person. It turned out to be a guy that had no idea what she was talking about, so somebody was spoofing the number.

THEN, last night I received this text message from a DIFFERENT NUMBER.

I sent it to my husband because at this point it's comical. Until he sent me this screenshot back.

Matt called the number and it said it is not a working number, so now I'm convinced it's a scam, but I have NO idea what they are after or what I should do. Has anyone had this same type of thing happen to them?

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