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Take A Sick Day, Hangovers Are Now Considered An 'Illness'

Feel free to take a sick day on Mondays because you drank too much while watching your football team play over the weekend, or you drank too much around a bonfire. If your boss has a problem with you taking sick days every Monday, tell them to take it up with the Germans!

According to the BBC, a court in Frankfurt, Germany just ruled on a case that hangovers count as an "illness." The court said it was an illnesses because quote, "By an illness, one should understand even small or temporary disruptions to the normal state or normal activity of the body." It includes tiredness, nausea, and headaches... the perfect recipe for a hangover!

What great timing for this! It's Fall, there's going to be great outdoor drinking weather, all the Oktoberfests around the Twin Cities. I may just have an illness every Monday!

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