Last year the NFL Draft took place in Nashville on Broadway, remember how much of a fiasco that was with all the bachelorette parties? This year the 2020 draft is in Las Vegas, and it looks like Vegas is doing something that is so Vegas that it's hilarious!
The NFL Draft isn't until April 23, but plans where the stage will be placed have already been announced, and the stage is smack dab in the middle of the Fountains of Bellagio, according to a tweet from Arash Markazi who is a sports columnist for the LA Times. His tweet states, "the stage for the 2020 NFL Draft in Las Vegas will be on the water at the Fountains of Bellagio. The players will be transported to the stage by boat." What's the worse that could happen? You get drafted, board the boat that takes you to the stage, and you get off the boat and you're so excited that you slip and fall in the fountain!
You can check out an aerial view of the stage from a tweet by John Breech an NFL writer for CBS Sports