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State Rivalries Are A Thing! Here's Who Other States Hate

It's true state rivalries a thing as we know here in Minnesota, but are there state rivalries elsewhere? Mattsurlee who makes charts and maps for reddit and also posts a lot of them on his Instagram posted a map that everyone is sharing and it shows every state's least favorite state!

You might be asking yourself how he got all this information. Matt polled his 320,000 Instagram followers and asked them to name their state's least favorite state. He got enough responses to draw conclusions for 49 out of 50 states, only Hawaii couldn't come up with a rival. I mean who could hate Hawaii it's a beautiful place! But let's get to it, so we know who Minnesota hates, Wisconsin! Turns out Wisconsin doesn't hate us as much as we think, they hate Illinois, and you would think Illinois hates Wisconsin.... nope they hate Indiana! After looking at the map and the key, I noticed that there isn't a state that hates Minnesota... well except New Jersey, apparently they hate everyone! Another thing you notice from the map is that Florida hates, themselves! How bad of a state do you have to be that you hate yourself! My guess is all the Florida Man stories?

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