This might be a tweet or topic Anthony Bass who is a pitcher for the Blue Jays may want to take back! According to BroBible, yesterday he tweeted Anthony tweeted a photo of his family on a United flight with the ground covered in popcorn. His caption reads “just made my 22 week pregnant wife traveling with a 5 year old and 2 year old get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter. Are you kidding me?!?!”
I get why he would be upset at the flight attendant’s for making her do that while she is pregnant, and apparently she had to get on the ground to clean up after her two kids who made a mess and had popcorn on the ground. But I’m 100000% certain that it isn’t the job of the flight attendants to pick up after your messy kids! You’re responsible for your children and to pick up after them!
You can check out the tweet below and click it to read the comments, they are great!