Welcome to "The Suck Seat"! What is it? At the Mussman household, we eat the majority of our meals at our kitchen table. As you can see from the photo, "The Suck Seat" is the chair that DOES NOT FACE THE TV! Yes the TV is on during dinner, don't judge.
Who get's "The Suck Seat"? The family member that deserves "The Suck Seat"! Every meal we set the table with the person in SUCK in mind. "Awww! Why am I in The Suck Seat?!" is the most common response when Grant, Ruby, Kristi or myself find out we are in SUCK.
There are multiple reasons for your fate with SUCK, some big, some small. No one is above "The Suck Seat". Kids, parents, grandparents and in-laws all can find themselves out of favor and in SUCK. And often the others not occupying "The Suck Seat" to taunt SUCK with mentions of:
"did you see that?!"
"that guy/woman is so beautiful"
"oh that makes me so sad"
"that is so cuuuute"
"oh cool! we should see that!"
"this is the best movie/show"
I hope you do not find yourself in "The Suck Seat"! Hell, I hope I'm not in it tonight!
"Ahhh! This seat SUCKS!"