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Signs A Movie Is Going To Suck

Signs a movie is going to suck ... Don't you hate when you start streaming a movie and 30 minutes in, you realize just how bad it is? Reddit users came up with a number of signs that a movie is going to be awful, so you don't waste your time:

  • The backstory is introduced through an unrealistic and forced conversation where people who have known each other for years list facts about each other.
  • Trailers where it seems like every joke is in the trailer and yet still trying to pass it off as a comedy.
  • It’s a Netflix movie with big-name actors. They spend 95% of their budget on getting somebody like The Rock for it and 1% writing the script.
  • The main character is a 50-year-old stand in for the writer, and his love interest is a 22-year-old supermodel and painter who works in a coffee shop. 
  • If the opening scene is the big climactic ending. "You're probably wondering how I got here. So let's go back to where it all started."
  • Unnecessary sex scene or nudity within the first 10-15 minutes. Bad sign that the movie has not much else to offer. I will immediately turn it off.

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