We all have things from our childhood that can bring you back. How about the KOOL-AID Man?!!
Hastings, Nebraska just installed a six-foot statue of the KOOL-AID MAN. A guy from Hastings named Edwin Perkins came up with Kool-Aid in 1927 after messing around in his mom's kitchen.
If you happen to be swinging through southeast Nebraska anytime soon, it's outside the Hastings Museum of Natural & Cultural History. (Here's a photo.)
A recent survey looked at the top brands that remind us of our childhood, and Kool-Aid made the list. Here are the top ten . . .
1. Nintendo
3. Play-Doh
4. Hot Wheels
5. Monopoly
6. Disney
7. Kool-Aid
8. Mattel
9. Nerf
10. Hasbro
Here are a few more that made the top 25: Slinky . . . Toys "R" Us . . . Silly Putty . . . McDonald's . . . Ice Pops . . . Big Wheels . . . Fruit Roll-Ups . . . Milton Bradley . . . Lincoln Logs . . . and Super Soakers.
Not sure why the "Itza Football" didn't make the list.