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Check Out These Real Life "Cheat Codes"

Everyone knows the Konami Code in video games . . . up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start . . . which has been called the cheat code equivalent of "Open Sesame."



Well, people online are talking about the REAL LIFE "cheat codes" they've banked in their lifetime. Some of them are brilliant . . . some are intriguing . . . and some are random. Here are a few:



1. "Admit your mistakes quickly and without undue apologies / self-flagellation. People will trust you more, and you'll move on from the mistake much faster."



2. "Diarrhea is the best excuse to get out of anything. No one questions it, and no one expects you to go to a doctor for it."



3. "Don't enter the recipient(s) of an email until AFTER it's written and ready to send, so you don't accidentally send unedited or unfinished emails."



4. "Confidence can get you super far . . . even if it's an act."



5. "People like talking about themselves more than they like hearing about you. So, if you interact with people for work, memorize one thing about them . . . maybe a kid's name, a sport they like, a hobby they do, their job, whatever.



"Ask them about it every once in a while. People are always surprised and appreciate your interest in them."



6. "Talk positive about people behind their backs."



7. "Have friends generationally older and younger than yourself."



8. "When reheating rice in the microwave, put a little bit of water in the bowl so it heats up fluffy again."



9. "If you have something nice to say to someone, like you think they did something neat, or they have a cool shirt, or they made a good moral choice, it's generally good to say so and not wait for a better time, which may not come.



"If you have a criticism or something 'mean' to say, THEN try to wait. You may find you don't need to say it, or you may find a way to express it that will be more useful and digestible to the person, rather than just ticking them off."



10. "Make people laugh within a minute of meeting them. They will remember you and help you."



11. "If you want to change the subject in a conversation, discreetly (but noticeably) drop something. Make it look accidental. It will break the train of thought of the other person, and allow you to restart the conversation."



12. "Clean while you're cooking."



13. "Being polite increases your odds of getting what you want."



14. "To learn something, repeat it to yourself three times on the day you learn it, two more times the next day, once the day after that, and then you know it (most of the time)."



15. "Never commit a crime during the commission of another crime. For example: If you are transporting illicit substances, don't go speeding around in a car with a busted taillight and expired tags. Just remember this: 'One crime at a time.'"  (???)




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