4 Reasons Mosquitos Are Attracted To You

If you've been getting eaten alive by mosquitos lately, there may be a reason for it. Here are four possible reasons mosquitos love you...


1. You just exercised. It raises your body temperature, and makes you produce more carbon dioxide and lactic acid, which mosquitos love.


2. You haven't showered. They're attracted to a specific type of bacteria. And we tend to have more bacteria near our ankles and feet. So that might be why they target that area a lot.


3. You're wearing dark clothing. Reds, blacks, and blues attract more mosquitoes than lighter colors like white and yellow.


4. You're drinking alcohol. It dilates the blood vessels in your skin, making it warmer for a while. And they're also attracted to the ethanol that comes out in your sweat. 



(Verywell Health)

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