People Share How They Made New Friends As Adults

Making friends as a child is easy. Even making friends in college isn’t so bad. But making friends after that as an adult… not so much. It’s not impossible, but it’s just more difficult. So, how can you successfully make friends as an adult? People are sharing how they did it.

  • "Volunteer somewhere. If you care about animals, volunteer to clean cages at your local animal shelter. You'll meet people with the same interests, and you can talk about what's going on at the organization until you're more comfortable with deeper conversations."
  • "I got a dog! The amount of people you meet on walks and in dog parks is fantastic; I got a few solid friendships this way! Some of them even lasted through a few years of me working abroad (obviously, the pup had to join me), and guess what? I made some more friends there, too."
  • "I have made friends through my passions, from open mic nights that ended in a drink with a new friend to volunteer days that paired me with the perfect person. I don’t recommend going into it expecting a friend; go in happily and ready for fun, and trust me, you will find your people."
  • "I definitely recommend joining sports leagues. You meet so many people, and it's a nice way to meet people that’s active and doesn't fully revolve around drinking. Not an athlete? Try something low stakes like kickball or pickleball."
  • "I got involved in my church and joined groups of similarly aged people with shared interests and goals. I discovered that the difficulties of finding new friends are shared in these times, and it helped ease some feelings of helplessness I would sometimes get when trying to meet new people."
  • "I recommend making friends at work; it makes my time much more enjoyable."

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