If You Can't Stand on One Leg for 30 Seconds, You're Old

The second I read this story, I had to get up and try it...

I set the timer and tried each leg, easy peasy. Then I read the last line of this story and had to try that. It didn't go well :(

Would you say you're aging well, or is it all going downhill WAY too fast? Here's an easy way to tell...

A new Mayo Clinic study found standing on one leg is a pretty good indicator of how fast you're aging. If you struggle with it, then you might officially be OLD.

They had people try to balance on one leg for 30 seconds, and it wasn't a problem for most young people. But for every decade you tack on, your ability to do it decreases by around two seconds. That's the average.

They found the best predictor was how long people could do it while standing on their NON-dominant leg. So, the leg you wouldn't kick a ball with.

If you can balance for at least 30 seconds without much trouble, you're not over the hill yet. If you can't . . . or you sway a lot . . . you're old.

If you can do it with your eyes closed, it's a sign you're even healthier. 



(Study Finds)

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