The Most Common Types Of Nightmares...

A poll for Halloween looked at the most common nightmares we have. And waking up late made the Top 10...



1. Falling. 65% have had a nightmare about falling from a significant height.


2. Being chased, 63%


3. Dying, 55%


4. Feeling lost, 54%


5. Feeling trapped, 52%


6. Being attacked, 50%


7. Missing an important event, 44%


8. Waking up late, 43%


9. A loved one passing away, 36%


10. Being injured, 35%


A third of us have also had a bad dream about our teeth falling out. And around one in four have had a nightmare about their spouse leaving them.

Some of the less-common ones are fun: 

*14% have had nightmares about car trouble

*12% have had a dream where they couldn't find their car

*7% have had a bad dream about a tech malfunction

*5% have had a nightmare about going bald.



(Amerisleep / NY Post)

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