Coca-Cola Announces They Are Eliminating A Popular 70s And 80s Brand

Every time I mention the beverage Tab, people tell me that either they love it or know someone who does.

Coca-Cola claims that the Tab product line is a miniscule part of their yearly sales. And as lots of manufacturers have struggled to get their products to retail locations since the start of the pandemic, they've announced that they are cutting Tab entirely after nearly 60 years.

The attraction was the fact that it was made without sugar. It contained saccharin instead and had almost no calories. And it was easy to spot in the pink can.

My high school chemistry teacher used to drink Tab like it was going out of style.

You can read more about this decision here.

I don't think this will be the very last you will ever see of Tab, but I think it will be virtually non-existent.

Tab has been a part of popular culture for a long time. Remember this scene from Back To The Future?

Here are some Tab commercials.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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