Asparagus Can Help With A Hangover

Asparagus in a white cup on the blue background

Do hangovers hit a little harder these days than they used to?

If you’ve been there, you’ve probably Googled cures for a hangover, but one you probably didn’t find online? Asparagus.

Yes, the tasty green veggie that’s loaded with fiber and nutrients could be the hangover fix we’ve been missing. A study from the Institute of Food Technologies suggests that certain amino acids and minerals in asparagus can make hangovers less terrible. And those compounds may also protect liver cells against toxins from alcohol.

Researchers found the minerals and amino acids found in the asparagus leaves and shoot not only help alleviate the dreaded aftermath of drinking in excess but can also increase levels of enzymes that help the body metabolize alcohol. So before your next rosé all-day adventure, it may be a good idea to eat some asparagus. It’s prebiotic that helps good gut bacteria flourish by feeding it and if it helps you feel better after imbibing, too? Even better!

Well and Good

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