12 Questions To Ask Your Partner Before You Tie The Knot

A licensed psychologist revealed 12 questions you can ask your partner before you get married to not only set boundaries, but to also understand each others' core values before fully-committing for potentially life.

Here are the questions that therapists and relationship experts boy say are a must before walking down the aisle:

  1. What helps you relax?
  2. What makes you feel loved?
  3. What is our financial situation?
  4. What have you experienced that was really traumatic in your life?
  5. Where do you draw the line between secrecy and privacy?
  6. How do like to deal with conflict?
  7. What role should extended family play in a relationship?
  8. What are our deal breakers?
  9. How are we going to stay connected while maintaining our independence?
  10. How will we divide domestic labor?
  11. What's something about me that concerns you?
  12. What is our shared vision?


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